As per the news being circulated the Mumbai Terror Attack problem is over with a few dozens dead and over 350 injured. We must congratulate our NSG, Marine Commandos, Army personnel who all had to operate in the danger zone around the Action areas for over 65 hours with a few of them losing their lives in action. We salute all of them who took part in the operation and flushed out the terrorists dead or alive. We also salute those of the finest IPS Officers of ATS and Police men who lost their lives in the starting phase of the battle between the law and order keeping forces and the Terrorists.
What are the lessons of the event?
That, the country was one, is one and will remain one against all such external or internal attacks, disturbances and disorders being created by vested interest groups outside the country and also inside it.
That, Maratha warriors like Bal Thakrey and his Shiv Sainiks and Raj Thakrey and his MNS Sainiks were seen nowhere in action of saving their very own Marathi Manush Mumbai. A shameful act on part of these Maratha warriors. Mumbaikars and the Marathis must have now more faith in the United India with brotherhood between the people of different linguistic, cultural and religious background and not in so called sainiks and their leaders.
That , major part of Police administration in Mumbai, except for ATS, seemed to be paralysed and fainted. This was the same force which flashed their bravery in killing Raj, a Bihari boy from a short distance a month ago.
That, neither CM Deshmukh nor his loud mouth Home Minister RR Patil who was shouting at the top of his voice about a month ago that guns will be met with guns (against the same Bihari boy Raj ) was not visible this time with his boys and the guns when the terrorist guns were spitting fire. There were many other brave Marathas like Praful Patel who matched his frequency with Raj Thakrey and challenged just a month ago whoever challenged the Marathas and their ego which in his opinion was not the rights or property of Northies, Hindi speaking population and last but not the least Biharis and Jharkhandis. All this Maratha talk was a shameful act then and now. Otherwise they should have been in the forefront of the Save Mumbai campaign from Terrorists. Is it possible that the Terrorists fixed the exact dates for action after making sure that Mumbai in particular had become weak due to the recent MNS action against the Biharis and Northies in Mumbai and Maharashtra? This may be a major probable cause.
This also has a lesson for us and our rulers in Delhi as to why we have a non-political PM and a weak Home Minister who seemed to be totally unaware of his job, that is, the situation prevailing in the country. They are certainly not pro-active. They are reactive. Therefore, we, over 100 crore people are not safe in these hands. It is not to say that BJP or their NDA will do anything better.
What we, the citizens of this country need to do is to reject all such defective people whose total perspective is to look at the Unity and existence of this country through the eyes of BSE and NSE indices, or divide the populace for votes on linguistic , caste and communal lines and are not interested in a sensible governance and development of a United and strong India.
Technologist by profession Dr. Sharma has keen interest in and is associated with activities like Social change, Science popularisation, Protection of Human Rights and Environment & Water Mgt.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Approaching the US for Raj Thakrey- Wrong Action

The msg "NRI group asks US to put MNS on terror watch list posted in Bihar-Network Group" can be read in
My Response:
In my considered opinion this action of requesting the US Govt to declare Raj Thakrey a Terrorist by the NRIs/ NRBs is completely wrong and a misplaced priority. The issue has to be settled by us and within our framework. It is only to be deplored. I am also afraid that in the Indian Legal Framework it can be an Anti- National Act.
- Pl. remember that the US has not settled the issues anywhere. It only acted like a Monkey and the Two fighting cats story and returned from everywhere with a bloody face. Just look where it is today.
- My humble suggestion is to raise the economic, social and cultural level of Bihar to a level which surpasses every other Unit/ State in India. For this we have to put our heads together, think in a positive way how to create wealth and Job opportunities in the State.
- Pl. remember that Biharis are mostly employment oriented not entrepreneurship type. The elites in the Bihar Groups must work on an honest strategy to set up (a) small industries,(b) soil testing labs in each district, (c) Food processing industries, (d) set up or Transfer Head or Branch offices in Patna and elsewhere, (e) Institutions for Professional and Vocational courses.
- Academic sessions in Existing Educational Systems (Univesities) must be corrected to make it July -May. This will be an indicator of our sensitivity towards a disciplined behaviour. Pl. note that once the sessions got derailed in 1966-67 nothing could be done to correct the sessions.
- Fix a five year Plan to achieve these objectives and you will see a reverse journey of Marathis from Maharashtra to Bihar seeking Jobs.
- I also suggest that some resourceful person must work out how to stop Money flow from States to Mumbai.
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