Saturday, August 23, 2014

"Sea of Lies" by Arundhati Roy

Aug 10, 2014
Perhaps you have already come across this, but just in case I am sharing it with you. While interpreting history is always complicated.
here is a video of the speech

Sea of Lies
Arundhati Roy begins her Mahatma Ayyankali lecture saying, “Forgive me if I disturb the comfort level here because that is what I do.” And she does disturb the comfort zone of a false Mahatma while making a case for a true one.
Arundhati Roy begins her Mahatma Ayyankali lecture saying, “Forgive me if I disturb the comfort level here because that is what I do.” And she does disturb the comfort zone of a false Mahatma while making a case for a true one.

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